TeckWrap began as a vision and passion of Charles Heidenreich from Baltimore, Maryland, the USA in 2012, and it had been developing fast since then.

Today, our mission is to offer a wide variety of quality, affordable vinyl films with great outdoor life-expectancy. We strive to produce superior, high-grade calendered and hybrid vinyl products, and we aim to make our films accessible to every price level of the wrapping community.

The average lifecycle of a TeckWrap vinyl is more than three years (the real determining factors are climate and driving habits), and we maintain a strategy of launching brand new designs every three months. TeckWrap always keeps up with new trends, since color-change films are fashion products and the market has a tendency to change quickly.

The TeckWrap 180 series is our first product line that includes simple, yet attractive colors. Its hybrid polymeric film recommended for smooth and middle curve surfaces. The launch of the TeckWrap 190 series of gloss, matte and chameleon metallic colors that are suitable for full vehicle wrapping pushed up sales in 2016 and drew interest from our customers around the world.

The headquarter of TeckWrap is located in Baltimore while we have developed a professional dealership network around the globe. Our products are sold from warehouses in the U.S.A., Germany,and Russia.  In 2016 and 2017, we signed distributor contracts with our partners in Brazil, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Slovakia, South Korea, Singapore, Turkey, and Vietnam. In 2018 partners from Australia, Denmark, Guatemala, Malta, Pakistan, Romania, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, and UAE joined TeckWrap team.

TeckWrap is proud to offer the best quality vinyl at affordable prices. We live by two defining slogans: “Quality and Diversity” and “Feel the difference,” and they strongly express our entire philosophy.

We are truly excited to offer you limitless possibilities to create fashionable, stylish exterior designs with different colors and finishes.


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